Thursday 24 September 10:00 am (UKT)
Launch of The Angel Investor's Club
The Angel Investors Club is an investment platform that offers ethical and Sharia-compliant investments for the digital age. Roy Zimmerhansl is a Board Member. Register for the launch here
Tuesday 29 September 3:00 pm (UKT)
EquiLend Digital Transformation in Securities Finance
Roy Zimmerhansl is moderating an EquiLend event with a panel of leading industry figures who give their views across a wide range of issues confronting the securities finance community on the pathway to digital transformation
Register here for the event
Tuesday 29 September 6:00 pm (UKT)
Time for Transparency in Asset Management, Investment Consulting and Fiduciary Management
Roy Zimmerhansl is a UK Ambassador for the Transparency Task Force and is the opening speaker - he will be addressing transparency, fees and risk in securities finance.
For more information on this and other Transparency Task Force events, click here.
Wednesday 30 September 1:00 pm (UKT)
Invest Smart: Reducing Tax Drag
Hosted by Hansuke Consulting and SIX, Roy Zimmerhansl will be one of a number of expert panelists looking at the taxation, with Roy focusing on the friction tax heaps on the plumbing of the financial markets.
To register for this event, go here.