As our partners are “insiders” from within the industry we are well positioned to not only review in detail the prevailing structure and performance of a programme but offer sound, impartial and completely independent advice as to whether current performance is achieving optimisation based on current guidelines and recommend areas where improvement could be made.
Pierpoint can provide Subject Matter Expertise to guide clients through product development, strategic planning, target marketing and more. Drawing on Pierpoint's expertise, clients make more progress, more effectively and faster.
ESG is a critical and growing focus for investors across the world. Few have considered the follow-through from investment guidelines to securities lending impact. That's where Pierpoint comes in. Development of policies that reflect the investor's ESG objectives, implementation of those policies into the lending programme and governance reviews. The full ESG spectrum, delivered with the assistance of Pierpoint.
A successful Securities Lending programme matches an investor's risk appetite with an optimised revenue generation strategy. Pierpoint's years of experience can advise clients of the generic and programme specific risks, mitigants available to clients and formulation of a client-specific risk/reward balance. Pierpoint can take it one step further and work with service providers to adjust lending activity to satisfy client requirements.
Regulatory change is a constant feature of today's marketplace. Clients can trust Pierpoint's expertise to deliver change that allows clients to focus on growing their businesses in full confidence of satisfying regulatory obligations.
We have acted as expert witness in securities finance cases in US and UK. From case-building through to testifying in court, we bring our years of experience to complex securities finance cases.
Clients can leverage our experience to achieve success: programme optimisation; strategy formulation, review and revision; ESG policy and governance; risk management; regulatory change; technology needs assessment.
Our clients include both active market participants and vendors as well those considering entering the business for the first time. Investors, intermediaries, fintech, service providers and other consultants seeking our subject matter expertise.
From whichever angle they approach the business, we help clients make more effective choices.